Whimsical Wood Blog Pages

Home Page www.whimsicalwood.com

This blog features the current woodcraft, Art and Graphic work of David Stanley.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Inktober 2017

Participation in the Inktober 2017 challenge, keeping up and getting to the end with a completed set of mini ink and ink wash illustrations, has really been what it was designed to be – a challenge. But a rewarding challenge. 

My main hoped for outcome from this exercise has been to get past my several failed attempts at re-starting this blog, use the momentum gained from the daily discipline of posting Inktober pieces and do as I have intended for so long. Utilise the greater strengths of blogging for shared learning, informing, inspiration and thankful valuing of our enjoyment in making things for others enjoyment, because we can.

'Inktober' is an open challenge to produce an ink based work each day in October following a daily word prompt. So unless you opt for a 'lite' version with your own rules, perfectly acceptable they say. Then you will end up with thirty one ink drawings, paintings, letterings or whatever at the end of the month.

My participation was a daily entry into an A7 size visual diary, mainly pen and ink line work using various nibs and then diluted ink wash, sometimes coloured ink for the wash. There were just a couple of torn-out pages for a re-start on an undamaged page, but the little book remains intact with its thirty one pictures. Some of which might lead to larger more finished work.

My next project will be to re-work my website www.whimsicalwood.com. Mostly because the software I'd used to put it together is not being continued. 

I have made an automata to go with this and have been documenting the process. So a stock pile of visual material from this and some planned major lovespoon carving projects, simpler love spoon projects, graphics, jigsaw puzzles and hand lettering should help in a reasonably regular blog series to follow. 


  1. Take the sign that the software is gone for what it is. Google is not interested in supporting blogspot. First we lost the photo hosting site, now the app interface, next it will be blogspot itself. Back it all up and move it elsewhere before they get around to closing it down. They want everyone to transition to Google+ so this loss of ability is all part of that process.

  2. That's a pity. Facebook just isn't much use for publishing anything useful as learning material. Have you any recommendations for a simple to use blog hosting site? The software I was referring to was Freeway for use with a Mac it worked really well but they have ceased production.
